
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Harmony Lace

Here it is! My lace is growing! I took this pic yesterday afternoon, It's a bout an inch and a half larger since then. I just started the actual lace part of the knitting and it's moving really fast. I'm amazed because the last lace project i did with tiny yarn and tiny needles took FOREVER. This one is moveing right along and the yarn is so fun i never know what color is next. Of course the lace patern I chose was fish tail lace and i have two repeate of it all ready.

As crazy as this project is i'm really enjoying it. I love the way it is turning out.


  1. How cool! Making lace, good for you!

    I <3 Lace!!

    Happy Holidays!

  2. What a wonderful job you are doing..Looks beautiful..
