Home, I love my apartment. I say this only because last night I stayed over to watch the boys I nanny as dad is on a bussiness trip. I like staying at my parents place when I visit, and Camp in the summer is my second home, but other than that I love my apartment.
This said I don't stay in my apartment and never go out. Although when it's cold out I would much rather stay in and cook and bake and of course knit. I sometimes think I am overly domestic. Simon does do the dishes and the laundry as those are two thinks I hate doing.
I start at a theatre gig in a few days, I can't wait. Techs are a lot of hurry up and do nothing, so I should be able to get a good chunk of my knitting for the spring done. I have a little over a month ot get my items made and photographed. My deadline for release is fast approaching, March 27th, but I should have lots of down time here and there up in the cat walks and in the green room. Perfect for knitting!
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