
Monday, April 27, 2009


I feel like I am going to melt. It isn't as hot as yesterday, but I spent the majority of yesterday inside with AC. (One of the perks of working when its hot out.) I feel so unmotivated, and don't want to do a thing, and I had grand plans of sewing and getting work done. I did go to the thrift store and found some wonderful things to make more bags with. But as for the actual creating and sewing, I can't bring myself to do it. All I want to do is sit in a tub of cool water while drinking iced tea.

I am doing some laundry, but that's more because I have to than want to. I must venture back out in the heat at 6pm for an interview up in north Philly. I'm excited to have the interview, but not about the walk to the subway station or the subway ride. Hopefully when it's done the sun will have started to go down and it may be slightly cooler than right now.

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