
Friday, May 15, 2009


So last week I was super productive and this week I seem to not be. I have been really good about checking my email and updating this here blog and my fan page. I found some great teal and gray vintage fabric from the 80's at the thrift store. It's amazing. I even designed a new bag and then in the process of sewing it realized I would need zippers and have been at a stand still since. Since I have nothing new to post and no new product, I feel as though I have been unproductive.

Also I am designing a teen production of Footloose and well that has eaten up two afternoons and evenings I could of been sewing. I do love to design and will have fun with this show. The director, I have difficulties with. She has given me creative license with the show, but what bothers me is that all her and her staff do is yell at these kids. They get no encouraging words, no advice or direction, and are told to "shut up" two words I hate to hear used. The kids shut down and the director and her assistants are loosing the kids. It's sad, because I don't blame the kids and a lot of these kids have a ton of talent. Oh well all I can do is do my job well and tell the cast they are working hard and doing well.

Enough of that. I started a new Clapotis, only this time it has lace in it and is made with a bamboo silk blend. I will take some pics soon.

1 comment:

  1. Zippers...did you say you needed zippers?! My mother in law is cleaning out her excess sewing supplies for me to list in one of my Etsy shops...she has exactly 241zippers in a box. She is coming over tomorrow and I will ask her to bring it along. Perhaps I can get some pics posted on my blog soon! Have a great weekend. Take care ~Natalie
