
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dye Testing Day!

I am super stoked about today. It's kinda overcast, grey and chill out side, but inside my little apartment I will be starting my dye testing today. I thought it was best to test my dye mixing skills and color theory instead of just throwing a hodge podge of dye into the pot and hope for the best results. I will admit that is what Ive been doing and it's hit or miss, so I want to make sure I have a good handle on my dye and maybe come up with some recipes today.

I am also thinking about renaming and opening a new etsy shop, this is all just an idea as I really love my name, but I'm not sure if it really convays what I do. Maybe that's ok, and I just need to find my niche (which I feel I'm getting closer to figuring that out). One thing I do know is that I love knitting, which in turns means I have a giant appreciation for yarn and color and I want to be a part of that.

Now that I am done being reflective and some what sappy I must brew my coffee and heat up the dye pot.

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