
Saturday, January 9, 2010


I am admit that on Saturdays Simon and I are lame. I get home from work and instead of being a happening young couple, or even a guy with a cute young girlfriend, we stay in and watch TV or if we're feeling crazy a movie. Watch out!

Yesterday I bought yarn for my next sweater project that I hope to have finished in time to wear to Australia. I know sweater and Australia don't seem to go together, but I am leaving from philly and it is cold here and everyone keeps telling me that the planes are always cold. I will take some pics soon.

I am also blocking my jasmine top that I finished last weekend. It's going to take forever to dry! The yarn once wet was very stretchy which was in my favor since I only had 6 balls and with two and 1/2 inch worth of ease these balls were used up fast. Unblocked the top was only 12 inches from under the arm to the bottom which is about two inches to short for my liking, so when my top stretched to 14 inches from under arm to bottom I was jumping with joy.

More tomorrow, hopfully some pics.

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