
Monday, November 8, 2010

Good Week

This is going to be a good week I can feel it. A few very good things are happening for my etsy shop. First off I have been dying yarn like crazy. I got my base yarn in on Friday. I am participating in a blog give away later in the month. I will have more details for that later. I am also considering doing a blog giveaway of my own here on Blue Betty.

The best thing and the thing I am most excited about is that I will have some of my hand dyed yarn at a shop in South Philly. I don't want to post too much because I need to work out all the details with the owner, but I am super psyched about this opportunity. I have to thank Nancy my old boss at the yarn shop for introducing me to the owner and good karma for being in Nancy's shop at the right time.

Well I am off to watch the dye pot boil!

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