
Monday, December 20, 2010

Holiday Rush

I actually am not in a rush, but it is getting closer to Christmas, 5 days to be exact, and I am pretty busy. It is nice however to be on top of a lot of Holiday stuff that I sometimes leave till last minuet. All the Christmas shopping is done, the Christmas package to Oz has been sent, Christmas Fudge is made, and presents are wrapped so now Simon and I must pack up the car and head on up to the parents place in Upstate NY.

In the next three days I am working more than usual, staying late and coming in early. I need to pack and try to see some friends that are in town for the holidays. Busy Busy.

On top of that I need to start knitting. I have a deadline that isn't self imposed, which is nice, but a bit stressful, but in a good way. I also have another design floating around in my head. I think The colored pencils are coming with me to Upstate NY maybe the snow will help inspire me to design away!

I must be off to get ready for work today.

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