
Monday, January 10, 2011

Busy Bee

I thought Simon and I were busy over the holidays, but all the things to do haven't seemed to die down.

Yesterday we went and saw our friend Rachel and the little pea named Calliope. I made a BSJ for her, but forgot to take pictures.

Today I am getting some yarn ready to go to a shop for consignment. (which reminds me I need to check on the yarn at the other shop.)

I am knitting up my design to be sent off by the 27th. Oh, wait I also have to type up the pattern...I should be able to get to that tomorrow.

On top of that I am working extra this week, and I need to start thinking of designs for the holiday season next year. (But I just finished the holiday season for 2010!) Either way thinking almost a whole year ahead is starting to make my brain spin. I guess I will get use to it.

I feel that something is missing for this will come to me eventually....I hope.
More on EZ, BSJ later this week. I mean more on Elizabeth Zimmerman's Baby Surprise Jacket later this week. One of my favorite knitting patterns.

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