
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More Offbeat Living

I just finished reading a guest blog post on the tiny house blog called "10 Advantages of Living and Working In Tiny Spaces (with wheels)" by Mathew Hoffman who lives in an airstream trailer that he renovated. There are lots of pictures, and his home is beautiful.

I love the idea of living in a tiny home. Call me crazy, but I love the cozy look and feel of small spaces. I can spend hours on the Tumbleweed Tiny House website, looking at every floor plan of model picking my favorites. This sudden love of small spaces isn't new, our apartment is maybe 800 square feet. I was the crazy one in college who loved my dorm room.

This made me think about why I love our small apartment. It's small, cozy, in the center of the city and the rent is cheep. Also I love that everything we keep or own has to fit in our little place, and that we have to make decisions about what we need, and don't need. This has been hard to get use to, but we are getting better at it. The one thing I have trouble with is when to get rid of something, but I have decided to adopt a new rule: "one in one out". Which so far for me has been working. (There is always a bag going for the PAT, our local thrift store.)

I love living in a small space in a bustling city. It's nice to have a cozy home, and be in the thick of it.

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