
Monday, April 25, 2011

Welcom Home

Currituck Light house, We climbed to the top

We are back from our vacation on the Outer Banks. It was amazing. Warm, sunny and there was surf to be had. Mind you cold surf, cold enough that we ended up buying booties to wear with our wet suits. My friend Jo from England calls the wet suit sock and I think surf socks is what I will be calling them from now on.

Sound Side

Our first day and pretty much everyday was beautiful. With so much good weather I will admit that my stripped sweater did not make much progress but I have set a deadline for myself and have till June to finish it. I am almost done with the sleeve and will have to post some new photos of it tomorrow.
Me on the beach on the day of our failed trip to find Horses.

One of the days on the Island we went in search of the wild horses that live just north of Corolla. We had no luck finding them, but had a great time looking for them and a lovely walk on a practically deserted beach. We had to console our selves the next day with a trip to the Duck Deli for lunch. Where I drowned my disappointment in a delicious pulled pork sandwich and all was well. The floral frock I worked so diligently on the last month finally gets a night on the town.

I even got to wear one of my new creations while on vacation. We all went out to dinner and I wore my new floral frock out. I even pulled out the pearls. I did realize that the dress needs some side seem alteration under the arms and through the bodice, but that will be a quick and easy fix. Other than that this dress fits perfectly and is light and airy.

All and all a great vacation. We came back to Philly to wonderful weather. It feels good to be home in our tiny apartment. There is a new addition to our home. Cuz what surfing trip would be complete without buying a new surf board?

My new board, just like my McCoy in Oz only a West Winds in the States

Well it's new to me and was such a great deal I couldn't pass it up. It's just like the board I was using in Oz, its vintage and it's a wonderfully garish yellow. It needs a few dings mended, but all in all a perfectly sound board. And no one can miss me out in the surf with a yellow board.

Being back is great, I can't wait to start surfing on the shore. Although Simon and I are going to have to wait a few weeks as the water temp on the shore is still a tad too cold even with surf socks and wetsuits. on the knitting front some of my yarn is featured in a treasury on Esty, and I've re-listed some hanks of sock yarn in my shop. To top it all off the weather here in Philly is warm and sunny, it looks like a good week ahead.

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