
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dress Making: The Fatina, Muslin & New Fabric

I finally finished the muslin for the Fatina shift dress.  It was a bit of a pain.  First of my fabric choice sucked but that's what I should have expected from cheapo fabric.  Second the way the pattern is graded from the waist to the hips was a bit comical.  This photo above is the finished muslin after all the alterations I had to do after I sewed it the first time.  I was going to keep this as a fun shimmery silver dress, but it would be more of a headache to finish the damn thing.  I am however thinking of turning it into a pencil skirt. 

I have finally decided on the fabric for the finished dress that I will be wearing to the wedding.
While I was at the fabric store searching for something to make that muslin out of I found this beautiful eggplant purple cotton stretch.  It's gorgeous and the photo doesn't do it justice, but the green obi belt will really stand out against the purple of the dress.  I'm planning on started today by cutting out the fabric. 

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