
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 2: Makeing a Mobius Cowl

Everyone loves a handmade gift, and who wouldn't like an excuse to buy a half a yard of that wool cashmere blend in cream from your favorite fabric store.  Here is a quick, and simple gift to make to bring a bit of warmth and luxury to someone special (and yourself because 1/2 a yard makes two). 

I found these wool blends at my favorite fabric store.  The Picture doesn't do it justice, but the black and white has silver threads running through it, giving it just a little bit of sparkle.

1/2 a yard of a wool or wool blend woven, about 60 inches wide
Matching thread
Sewing Machine

1. Cut the fabric in half so that you have two 30 inch pieces of fabric.  

Folded in half lengthwise
 2. Fold in half lengthwise with right sides facing each other.  Pin and sew leaving about 1/2 inch seam allowance.  If your fabric is prone to fraying you may want to zig zag along the seam allowance.

 3. Turn right side out.  You know have a tube that is about 30" long.  Fold one end of the tube in on it's self about 1/2" to 3/4" and pin in place.  

Folding the edge down
 4.  Now take the other end and twist it 180 degrees, and insert the raw end into the end with the folded edges.  Your edge with the seam shouldn't match up it they do you either haven't twisted it or you have twisted too much. Pin these two edges together and sew a seam about 1/4 inch from the fold.  

You can barely see it, but there's a seam in there somewhere. 

5. Clip your ends and wrap or wear.  (Like I said you can make two with 1/2 a yard of 60 inch fabric.)

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