
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bustier II: Sewing the Easy Bits

I have been diligently working on my bustier top.  All of the supplies are purchased and are either in my apartment or on their way to my apartment (I did end up buying that turquoise hook and eye tape) now all I can do is sew.

I cut out the interfacing and fused it to the pieces.  There is something almost zen like to ironing fusible interfacing on to your pattern pieces.  I like the magic of the glue melting on to the fabric and making it stiff. (Ok, maybe it's a bit weird, but I like ironing anyway so fusible interfacing is an exciting twist on an old favorite.)  The one thing about this pattern that I have found a bit tedious is that there is no seam allowance.  You can see in the above photo that I had to measure and cut around the pattern pieces.  

I decided that since I have all of these little pieces that I need to sew together before I can piece them together I would sew them all at once.  

I also decided to sew the lining too.  I mean there all the same pieces and the same fabric why make the bustier only to have to sew the lining.  

The part I'm a little bit dreading with this project is sewing in the cups.  

Sewing them together was really easy. 

Really easy and kind of fun to watch the two dimensional pieces become a three dimensional item.  And the best part is they fit.  I mean who could resist trying on a freshly sewn bra cup.  Too bad Simon wasn't quick enough with the camera.  I'm sure I looked pretty funny holding up a bra cup to my chest with a quizzical look on my face. 

The next part is what I'm calling, "sewing the difficult bits".  Here is my list of sewing to dos:
-Make casings for boning 
-Sew casings to top
-Sew cups to top
-Insert boning
-Attach straps
-Attach hook and eye tape
-Attach Lining  
-Hem or whatever I finally decided to do at the bottom

Wish me luck!

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