
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Knitting in the Summer

Knitting in the summer.  I've heard this discussed at meet ups and knitting circles every year as soon as the weather starts to warm up.  I know a few knitters who go on a knitting hiatus as soon as the weather is too warm for wool.  When I'm asked if I stop knitting in the summer I usually give the questioner a puzzled look and ask them why would I.  If it's too warm in my apartment I go to the coffee shop or to my LYS for a visit, but I certainly don't stop knitting because its warm outside.

Some knitters see the summer as a time when knitting should be packed up and left till the fall, but what about that awesome cable knit sweater you want to knit for the fall?  If you don't start it till the fall you might not have it finished till New Years (depending on how fast you knit and finish garments).  I say knit the sweater now so you can wear it on the first chilly day.  Don't pack your knitting away simply because the temperature has gone up, figure out a summer knitting strategy.

Here are some ways to beat the heat and keep your knitting moving:
-Work on smaller projects, (this is a great way to get a head start on all of those hats you pledged to make for Christmas this year).
-Knit lace, the thinner yarn is much more forgiving in the heat and won't make you hands sweat as much as if you were working with a worsted.
-Knit at night when the temperature is cooler (I did this a lot when I was in Australia).
-Find a knitting circle that is held in an air conditioned space. (My weekly meet up is at my LYS, so I get air conditioning, good company, and a huge selection of beautiful yarn to purchase.)
-Watch your fiber content.  Maybe that mohair shawl you were planing isn't the best choice or that Alpaca cowl, but a bamboo wool blend scarf or a cotton baby blanket would be better choices to knit during the long, hot, summer days
-Find a free space in you town that is climate controlled where you can go and knit.  I have recently discovered the Transit Museum in Center City thanks to my friend Nicole.  It's free, it's air conditioned and there are lots of places to just sit and knit.  

I would love to hear if you are a summer knitter or not.  If you are what do you do to beat the heat and keep on knitting?

P.S. Just for clarification I do not have air conditioning in my apartment, and even though this summer we plan to have a small window unit in the bedroom I am not expecting it to cool the whole apartment.  This does however mean that I may set up shop in our bed room and never leave.

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