
Monday, May 14, 2012

Me Made May '12: Day 10 - Day 13

I am almost to the half way point of May and I think I may have broken through my wall.  Here's what I've been wearing. 
Day 10
Blue Dolman Top
Denim cut offs
Yellow tights (not me made)
It was cool and cloudy on this day and I couldn't decided what I was going to wear.  I finally decided on this, perfect for working with kids and for keeping the chill away.  My outfit choices got better after day 10. 

Day 11
White altered tee
Blue and read Poppy gathered skirt
Warm and breezy, a perfect day for a skirt, and a day off. 

Day 12
Navy floral print tank dress
The weather has had a complete turn around, oh and my class was canceled.  I was sad and excited all at once.  

Day 13
Teal Tank
Denim cut offs
The perfect Sunday outfit for going to the farmers market and baking ruebarb pie. 

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