
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 2012 Knitting Update

I have been banging out Christmas gifts.  Ok, I've finished three, but that's pretty awesome with it being only July.  I am going to be a gift knitting ninja by the end of 2012!  The above balls of yarn are for two more gifts.  

My fall projects are also moving along faster than I had thought.  Even with the heat being unbearable some days I have some how figured out a way to knit with wool and not want to stab myself with my knitting needle.  It's mostly a combination of air conditioning, fans and hanging out a Nangellini when the apartment gets too hot.  

Even though I have tons of projects, (more on this later), I have been completing projects.  Above is my first shawl design.  I am in love with it, now all I have to do is weave in the ends.  

Did I mention I knit a Wingspan, you know that short row shawl pattern that everyone seems to be knitting.  This pattern is so simple that it's pure genius.  My was knit from my loop bulls eye bat that I spun up into a three ply yarn.  I still need to block it and yes, weave in the ends, but this might be the gift pattern of the year. 

You can still add some awesome Alchemy Hour Yarn to your stash by entering the Alchemy Hour Giveaway!    

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