
Friday, August 17, 2012

Holiday Knitting: Pattern Favorites

Getting a jump on your holiday knitting can be satisfying and practical.  Part of the fun is looking for new and interesting patterns that would make the recipient of your gift ooh and ahh at there new hand knit item.  I've scoured Ravelry and my list of favorites and I've come up with a list of great patterns that are all free either as Ravelry downloads or hosted on other blogs.  What a perfect excuse to go yarn shopping and start a new project

Favorite Free Patterns 
doublepointed, River Run

Scarves and Shawls
Wingspan, Maylin Tri'Coterie Designs
Purl Ridge Scarf, Stephen West
Prim's Scarf, Julia Carlis
Riverrun, Erin McNellis
Boneyard Shawl, Stephen West
Maluka, Bea Schmidt

Brainfork Blog, Crenellated Hat

Turn a Square, Jared Flood
Crenellated Hat, J. Wilson
Regina, Carina Spencer

The Purl Bee, Color Block Hand Warmers

Hands and Legs
Cimidar, Melanie Berg
Urban Rustic Gloves, Sarah Sutherland
Dashing, Cheryl Niamath

Brooklyn Tweed, Hemlock Ring Blanket 

Larger Projects
Abalone, Beata Jezek
Hemlock Ring Blanket, Jared Flood

Just Crafty Enough, Grumpasaurus

Wee Projects
Saarjte's Bootees, Saarjte de Bruijn
Garter Stitch Baby Kimono, Joji Locatelli
Grumpasaurus, Kat Lewinski

Blue Betty Blog, Lace Legs

Free Blue Betty Patterns

1 comment:

  1. ugh I can't start thinking about holiday knitting already! You are too good. It's a great list too!
