Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Done and Dusted

The show I was on closed this Sunday and yesterday I helped strike the set. I am a little sad, I loved working on that show the cast was great and I loved hang out with the crew.

Yesterday, we took the set down and pulled it apart and helped the Technical Director and the Master Carpenter get ready to load in the next show. It will be nice to have more time to myself before camp starts as I return to my day job and nanny job. I won't be walking to Old City every morning or waking up at 7 am. (I do not like getting up in the mornings.) But I won't be working on a show till the fall it looks like.

I will also have more time for my etsy shop that has been sitting and getting little attention from me lately. I have a few new items I need to take photos of and list, also my sewing achine has been neglected these past two months.

With all of this said I'm back.

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